Posts in Practice
Join the Spiritual Revolution!

The future of Christianity calls us to move beyond past forms and embrace the evolving mystical Body of Christ. At ICN, we gather a global community of practitioners to co-create the loving evolution of Christianity and the world through practices like WeSpace.

This shift fosters embodied awareness, heart-to-heart connection, and spiritual transformation. Together, we create a new spirituality rooted in love and collective growth. Let's co-create this future.

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Whole-Body Mystical Presencing

Whole-Body Mystical Awakening (WBMA) is a practice of awakening to the divine presence within, focusing on the head, heart, womb, and feet to integrate spiritual energy into our being. Through guided meditation, we open to the flow of divine consciousness and experience union with God, transforming our daily lives with this holistic awareness.

As we deepen into this practice, it evolves into Whole-Body Mystical Presencing (WBMP)—a moment-to-moment attunement to the divine in everyday life. This way of being invites us to live fully in God’s presence, integrating love, wisdom, and spiritual energy into every action, breath, and step.In our daily lives, we often unconsciously live from a story of separation—seeing ourselves as distinct from the world around us. However, when we awaken to our shared interiors and experience a sense of "we-space"—a communal energy and mutual knowing—we expand beyond this individualistic view.

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The WeSpace of Oneness in the Mystical Body of Christ

In our daily lives, we often unconsciously live from a story of separation—seeing ourselves as distinct from the world around us. However, when we awaken to our shared interiors and experience a sense of "we-space"—a communal energy and mutual knowing—we expand beyond this individualistic view.

Transcendent experiences lift us beyond ourselves, revealing our connection to the “Cosmic We” and a universal belonging to all things. Yet, this expansion remains incomplete until it shapes a collective body that substantiates in the here and now—forming a true mystical community.

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Spiritual Knowing & Our Divine Voice

The result of getting in touch with our deeper spiritual knowing is that we not only see the need of the world in a new way, we see how we can specifically make a difference. That is a grand invitation to emerge to a new life of purpose and meaning.

This life is about evolution—our own and that of the entire universe. What new worlds are we going to discover within and without. Spiritual knowing is not just about what we already know but, more importantly, what we are about to know.

What are we about to discover as we emerge from the old framework into a new one?

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Resonating Prayer

When we evolve our understanding and experience of God beyond a distant and separate entity, our way of praying changes as well. No longer do we need to pray to God out there—but we can learn to pray from our awakened, divine consciousness within. We can pray with others participating in their divine consciousness both internally and in the collective interior space we call WeSpace—the awakened energy field of loving connection and interrelationship, together with God’s presence in various forms and spiritual guides. And we can together pray into the unified reality of the divine all.

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WeSpace with Spiritual Guides

WeSpace with Spiritual Guides

Jesus and His WeSpace Group

The accompanying painting, rather than being called The Transfiguration, could be called a dramatic moment in Jesus’ very own WeSpace group! (Matt. 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36) Like our WeSpace groups, this was a small group of followers of Jesus who shared their lives with one another. They also experienced the presence of God along with other spiritual guides.

At the Transfiguration, the most intense part of the mountain top meeting began as two-centuries-dead heroes of the Jewish tradition, Moses and Elijah, appeared in living, visionary color and sound. In their non-physical, but recognizable energy field forms, they were giving encouragement to Jesus. “They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem” (Luke 9:31). Jesus needed some help about his upcoming crucifixion which was weighing heavily on him. Who better to encourage him than two dead guys? 

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The Vibrant, Cleared Mind of Spiritual Knowing

“We are here to find a dimension within ourselves that is deeper than thought.”  
– Eckhart Tolle

Sometimes we think of “embodiment” as getting out of our head. Going back into our body and living more deeply in the physical, not always stuck in our thoughts or jumping with monkey mind. Being “disembodied” is sometimes even pictured as a detached cranium, like an old sci-fi cartoon with just a head flying around in a glass container.

The shadow side of the great evolution of our mental consciousness has been to negate the body. But in returning to the body, we certainly don’t want to fall prey to the same error, which would be to negate the head.

The head is part of the body—a pretty important one! And we’re not going to get very far without it.

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The Charged Feet of Embodied & Enlivened Presence

“Every forest branch moves differently
in the breeze, but as they sway
they connect at the roots.”

– Rumi

Christianity is the religion of the incarnation. Sadly, throughout much of Christian history, instead of embracing the divine presence in all of material reality, Socratic dualism and Greek philosophy became more prominent in the tradition. Misreadings of the apostle Paul did not help in this respect either. Spirit was set apart from and even put in opposition to matter. Many other spiritual traditions, including Christian expressions, further continue to reinforce this immateriality of spirit and separation of the mystical from the physical. 

Thankfully, it is not only a resurgence of animist and shamanic spirituality that is reincorporating our spirituality with our bodies, but also science itself that is beginning to intimate that matter is far more energetic and dynamic than we once thought. This is, as well, in the roots of Christianity that saw God dwelling in flesh, not just in Jesus but in all matter and the whole of creation—which includes you and me.

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The Vitalized Spiritual Womb of Intuition and Creativity

One of the great things about our mystical body is that we are able to tap into reality that is beyond the usual confines of “ordinary” experience. This includes not only accessing our deeper knowing and wisdom, but also experiential participation in spiritual dynamics that aren’t entirely bound to our physical body—such as our collective body in WeSpace and spiritual realities beyond our biological and physical limitations. 

The mystical body can include but is not limited by gender, race, sexual orientation, or any other category of personal identification.  

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