Heart Radiating Within
Begin by taking a few deep breaths into your heart space. Allow yourself to sink down into the radiant center of your heart. Here your heart emanates with a strong energy of love and bliss, whether felt or not. If you need help getting there, you can think of someone you love, or tap into love through receiving the loving presence of God, Jesus, or your spiritual guides.
Heart Connection Among
Move your awareness from within your heart and out into the shared space of the group. Feel your heart opening to the energy field in the space between one another. This first time, experience the heart connection that you have to the others present. You can often feel this by focusing on each person one by one, or also by focusing your heart flow into the shared group energy field.
Feet Grounding Within
Return back to your individual self and move your awareness down to your feet. Plant them down firmly and ground yourself to the earth. You can imagine roots growing out from your feet, tapping you into the energy of the earth and even the whole cosmos itself. Breathe that energy up through your feet and into your legs. Experience your incarnated embodiment in your grounded presence.
Spiritual Womb Being Within
Keeping your feet connection to the earth open, move up into your gut space, your spiritual womb. You may want to place your hands over your belly and untuck your tummy into a resting state. This is a movement of vital centering. You can allow yourself to be held in the flowing embrace of your womb. You can sink into your ground of being, the wellspring of your divine identity. You can allow yourself to just be. Sometimes intuitions or creative outflow arise.
Embodied Interbeing Among
Now continue drawing energy from the earth, through your spiritual womb and rising up into your open heart. Let it flow right out into the WeSpace again, into the space among the group. This time, recognize that each person is connected to the same earth, to the same divine material reality. The same energy flows through all. We are not separate from the earth. We are not separate from one another. We are not separate from God. Almost at a deeper than cellular level, feel you interbeing with one another.
Head Stillness Within and Transcendence Beyond
Return within, touching base with your radiant heart, then move up to your head. Connected to the energy of your body and the WeSpace, you may discover your mind is unusually cleared, with a vibrant stillness. Rest from thought in this stillness, aware of any visionary knowing in the form of arising images, pictures, thoughts, smells, etc. If you would like and are able, you can also move beyond your individual minds out into the space above you, into cosmic transcendence. Or just simply remain in the stillness.
Whole-Being WeSpace Emergence Among
Drop back down to your body, and from your whole being move once more out into the WeSpace. Now you are coming into the WeSpace with your whole body enlivened. Your feet and legs are energetically grounded to the earth, your spiritual womb is flowing with creativity and intuition. Your heart is transmitting in radiant connection. And your mind is settled with still clarity. Now we are ready for emergence. We can sense what arises for the other individuals as well as ourselves, for the group as a whole, and for the world. In this space, we seek not what we already know, but what we are about to know.
If you resonate with this practice, we’d love to have you participate in a WeSpace group!
“We cannot reach our own ultimate without emerging from ourselves by uniting ourselves with others, in such a way as to develop through this union an added measure of consciousness.”