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Primary WeSpace Whole-Body Mystical Awakening Meditations


Full Whole-Body Mystical Awakening for WeSpace Group Practice — Luke Healy

Transcript Available Here


Heart-Centric Meditation for WeSpace Group Practice — Luke Healy

Transcript Available Here



Deepening Meditations


Deepening WeSpace Meditations

These meditations are best for ongoing WeSpace groups, after the initial sessions, for further deepening and development:


Whole-Body Mystical Communion With All In Wholeness: Global Mass on the World — Luke Healy

WBMC is a mystical practice of the living eucharist, communing in the body of Christ of which we are. Without the symbolic physical elements of bread and wine, we eat and drink from the mystical substantive presence of Christ in our midst. The living energetic reality of the consecrated whole—of which we are.

This meditation uses language and adapted quotes from Teilhard de Chardin’s Mass on the World as part of the guidance. Some of the language may be a bit perplexing at times if you are unfamiliar with it. I invite you to hear the words most especially from the center we are moving in, letting them wash over you and absorb what you may. In other words, release the need to go to your head and think about them.

Transcript Available Here


A Meditation of Embodied Belonging — Talita Peters

A WBMA Meditation of belonging with yourself, with God, with the earth, with Source, with the cosmos, with one another, and with this moment now:
(Voiced by Talita Peters - Words by Luke Healy)

Transcript Available Here


Cosmic Communion — Transmission in the Imaginal Realm - Martha O’Hehir

(Featuring the poetry of Elizabeth Russell from the Dreamfruit Almanac, 2022)

Transcript Available Here


Whole-Body Mystical Communion — Spacious Meditation Practice - Martha O’Hehir

(A mostly silent guided meditation, leading through each of the four centers with only a few words. *This is the meditation format used at the ICN Sunday Gathering*)

Transcript Available Here


Into the Cloud of Witnesses — Whole-Body Mystical Connection with Spirit Guides - Luke Healy

Transcript Available Here


WeSpace Whole-Body Mystical Transcendence — Praying Into All of Unified Reality - Luke Healy

Transcript Available Here


WeSpace Whole-Body Mystical Awakening — Naming Practice - Luke Healy

(**This guided meditation requires pausing throughout, after every time the group is invited to name their experience**)

Transcript Available Here


Womb Meditation for WeSpace Group Practice — Paul Smith

Transcript Available Here


Permeability — Luke Healy

(*This meditation can be used either individually or with a WeSpace group)


Where All Is Well in Endless Love — Luke Healy (with Julian of Norwich quotes voiced by Martha O’Hehir)

(*This meditation can be used either individually or with a WeSpace group)

Transcript Available Here



Whole-Body Mystical Awakening Meditations

Individual Whole-Body Mystical Awakening Meditations


Introductory Meditation practice — Paul Smith (for beginning practitioners)

Transcript Available Here

Ongoing Meditation practice — Martha O’Hehir (for regular practitioners)

Transcript Available Here — (Voiced by Martha O’Hehir - Words by Paul Smith and Martha O’Hehir)

Shorter meditation for solo practice — Paul Smith

Transcript Available Here

Whole-Body Mystical Transcendence for solo practice — Paul Smith

Transcript Available Here



Short Entry Practice Meditations


Individual Short Entry Meditations

short entry meditations by martha o’hehir



Other Practice Meditations


Other Individual Practices


Wellspring Invocation - Whole-Body Mystical Presencing — Luke Healy

To invoke the divine wellspring within us, inviting Presence in our lives at any and all times.
This practice is in support of
Whole-Body Mystical Presencing—a continuous, in-the-moment practice of coming to embodied, divine, presence.

Transcript Available Here


Gospel of Thomas WBMA Meditation On Oneness — Talita Peters

A Whole-Body Mystical Awakening Meditation with the Gospel of Thomas:
(Voiced by Talita Peters - Words by Luke Healy and the Gospel of Thomas)

Transcript Available Here


7 Steps to Connecting with Your Mystical Companions — Martha O’Hehir

Two versions of this meditation, the second with longer silences between steps:
(Voiced by Martha O’Hehir - Words by Paul Smith)

Transcript Available Here


Deepening Into Wombfulness — Vivien Claire

Transcript Available Here


Being Held in the Love of God — Paul Smith

Transcript Available Here


New Ways of Being — Luke Healy

Transcript Available Here


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