This Advent, we are invited into the womb of the Divine Mother, nurturing our divine becoming as Christ is born anew within us. Joy, rooted in creation and the cycles of life, is our focus this week—not fleeting happiness, but the deep, abiding joy that flows from the womb of God and the earth itself.
As we walk in the fullness of joy, let us impact our spheres of influence with the presence of Christ, offering blessings and embodying love.
Regeneration of the Divine Earth
Integrating Our Mystical Participation as Nature
Regeneration is taking the step from seeing the earth as an object and into experiencing it through our interbeing. Into “humans doing things as nature.”
The incarnation of Christ in the cosmos is the divine interfused in all things, very much including the earth. And so our living into and as the Body of Christ will also be through the divine earth.
We must reimagine and reconfigure our relationship with the earth and the orientation of our consciousness. We cannot and must not “sustain” the way things currently are, but rather we can come into our generative participation in loving service and care for our larger body.
Read More“Every forest branch moves differently
in the breeze, but as they sway
they connect at the roots.”
– Rumi
Christianity is the religion of the incarnation. Sadly, throughout much of Christian history, instead of embracing the divine presence in all of material reality, Socratic dualism and Greek philosophy became more prominent in the tradition. Misreadings of the apostle Paul did not help in this respect either. Spirit was set apart from and even put in opposition to matter. Many other spiritual traditions, including Christian expressions, further continue to reinforce this immateriality of spirit and separation of the mystical from the physical.
Thankfully, it is not only a resurgence of animist and shamanic spirituality that is reincorporating our spirituality with our bodies, but also science itself that is beginning to intimate that matter is far more energetic and dynamic than we once thought. This is, as well, in the roots of Christianity that saw God dwelling in flesh, not just in Jesus but in all matter and the whole of creation—which includes you and me.
Read MoreDiscovering Your Mystical Body – Part 5
Read MoreThe Loving Evolution of Christianity and the World – Part Three
Read MoreSpiritual Knowing: Part Six – Discovering Your Mystical Language (2)
“When the somatic and vital worlds are invited to participate in spiritual life, one’s sense of identity becomes permeable to not only transcendent but also immanent spiritual sources, turning body and world into sacred realities that can be appreciated as fundamental for human and perhaps even cosmic evolution.”
—Jorge Ferrer
In Whole-Body Mystical Awakening we are doing just that—inviting our bodily and energetic worlds to join in our spiritual life.
In Part 1 we explored inviting our heart and mind to participate in our spiritual life. The mystical language of the heart is the deep feelings that flow from our heart space. The mystical language of the head is the deeper thoughts, words, and images than come from a mind cleared of its usual constant chatter. Now we explore the mystical language of the other two centers of spiritual knowing—our gut’s vital energy and our feet’s energetic embodiment in the physical cosmos.
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