Posts tagged Spirit
Join the Spiritual Revolution!

The future of Christianity calls us to move beyond past forms and embrace the evolving mystical Body of Christ. At ICN, we gather a global community of practitioners to co-create the loving evolution of Christianity and the world through practices like WeSpace.

This shift fosters embodied awareness, heart-to-heart connection, and spiritual transformation. Together, we create a new spirituality rooted in love and collective growth. Let's co-create this future.

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Transmitting Awakened Spirit Consciousness

What, in the World, is Holy Spirit?
Part Four

When we define spirit as awakened consciousness, we can then see there are many avenues to it. A sudden transforming experience, as we see in Acts. We see the slow work of contemplative prayer in mystics down through the ages. The Enlightenment found in Eastern traditions. Some Eastern traditions transmit spirit-awakening in a way similar to what Jesus, Paul, and Peter did.

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Who Else Believes Spirit is Consciousness?

What, in the World, is Holy Spirit?
Part Three

What comes to your mind when you see, hear, or say the word "spirit"? Spirit personified as a shadowy, mystical presence? A vague, mysterious force in the universe? God at work everywhere? The third person of the Trinity?

What comes to my mind after considering this for several years is the amazing, still mysterious, single word: "consciousness." God's spirit as Consciousness Beyond Us, Beside Us, and Being Us. We are that divine consciousness, localized and encased in a human body.

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A New Look at Holy Spirit

What, in the World, is Holy Spirit?
Part Two

In the recent Coronation of King Charles, the Archbishop of Canterbury spoke of "the anointing of the spirit." I wondered what came to mind in the millions of people listening in. Did it mean Charles was not just a religious man but also a "spiritual" one? And then, what is a "spiritual" person? It must have something to do with "spirit!" So, back to what spirit means in progressive, evolving, integral Christianity.

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What, in the World, is Holy Spirit?

Part One – The Bible and Holy Spirit

For the vast majority of Christian groups in the word, the "Holy Spirit" is considered the third person of the Trinity of God consisting of "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit." Holy Spirit is referred to as "the Lord, the Giver of Life" in the Nicene Creed, summarizing several key beliefs held by many Christian denominations.

When Jesus was baptized, he saw "the spirit of God descending upon him like a dove." Christian artists throughout the centuries have used this symbol to represent the holy spirit, though it has little connection to the experience it is meant to describe.

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