Posts tagged WBMA
The *Whole-Body* in Whole-Body Mystical Awakening

Thinking alone does not connect us to God. It takes feelings, intuitive sensing, and grounding to the material cosmos.

Whole Body Mystical Awakening practice is not being aware of your body but being aware as the body. Here we learn to “soak” in the bliss, love, sensations, feelings, images, colors, words, sounds, intuitions that arise from deep within—as well as from the spiritual field between us and the other physical and non-physical beings present.

This is the shift from “ordinary consciousness” into a fuller, more integrated consciousness.

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Why We Practice WeSpace & Whole-Body Mystical Awakening

What is the purpose of our WeSpace groups? Why do we advocate Whole-Body Mystical Awakening practices?

At ICN, our stated purpose is “Gathering a global community of dedicated mystical practitioners for the loving evolution of Christianity and the world.”

We dedicate ourselves to our mystical practice because it takes us into the pathways of inhabiting and becoming this transformative presence in the world. Because it is how we become conscious participants in the divine, creative work of loving evolution.

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Whole-Body Mystical Awakening

If I asked you to think about your body, what comes to mind?

How you look from the outside? What amount of weight we’d like to lose? Our skin and bones. Organs and tissues. Muscle and fat. Cells and neurons.

This is the body from an exterior, objective material perspective. It is true, but it is partial.

Unfortunately, so much of Christian history propagated and reinforced a division of the material and the spiritual. Body and soul apart, despite being the religion of the incarnation, of God made flesh. Combine that with a Western materialism that also tends toward disembodiment, and here we are—many of us disconnected and disassociated from our body as a true aspect of our being, not just an object.

There has been pushback of course. More yoga and tai chi, dance and movement. Perhaps we’ve learned some about our emotional body, our pain body. And perhaps, you’ve already begun to come more into your subtle body—your mystical body. 

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