Introducing a New ICN Saturday Email Rhythm

Dear ICN Community,

Throughout Lent, we held a special container of grief and glory. I want to thank you for walking this path with us—to whatever degree you have. This has been a season both of loss and invitation for our community.

Paul Smith has now transitioned from founding elder to a living ancestor in our midst. We will continue to honor and be guided by him in the years to come. We are eternally grateful for all he brought forth and shared in his life, and how he embodied and invited the spirit’s call to evolve for so many.

Click here to view Paul’s legacy page in remembrance and celebration

As we concluded Easter Sunday in Wholeness, there is a sense of completeness and also a sense of only just beginning—a commencement into a deeper journey we are being invited into. The wombful portal continues. The new birth has arrived, and we are still waiting. Resurrection is here, and there is still death. We continue to dwell in the now and the not yet.

ICN is in the process of moving from its founding stage into what’s next. A transition stage calling forth more collaboration, further co-creativity, and deeper engagement with owning our becoming.

This includes the I, the We, and the All. The invitation is not just for an organization but includes the personal, communal, and global. We are all being called to live into the wholeness of the resurrected body of Christ more and more.

For over five years now, we have sent weekly writings from Paul Smith, myself (Luke Healy), and a few others.

In this new season, we’re enacting a new rhythm to our Saturday emails. Following each writing, the next week will contain invitations to deepen our practice, engagement, and integration with the themes and article topic.

Learning is paramount to our spiritual journey. But with all of the great information and teaching out there, we can run the risk of reading without really absorbing deeply. We can take it in our minds while failing to engage in processes that really help make a difference in our lives.

In other words, transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.

While we can do this on our own, individually, we find great support and assistance happens through community, increasing our capacities and potencies when we do it together.

So we’re inviting further processes of practicing, engaging, and integrating that foster our becoming. We’ll bring these in ways that apply to various contexts, including our personal lives, our WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and our global context.

Our intention with this new rhythm is to foster an intensification of our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and support the enactment of life integration for the transformation of ourselves, our neighbors, and the world.

This is a new form and a learning journey, so we’ll remain open to feedback, responsive and adaptive to what best serves ICN now and in the future. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, thoughts, considerations, or other input as you experience this change over time.

Thank you for being a part of this beautiful and precious community as we walk forward full of hope, open to emergence, and charged with love.

In wholeness and love,


Below is our first movement in deepening into our transformation through practicing, engaging, and integrating with the I, We, and All.

From our Easter experience last week, we are invited into ways of continuing to embody resurrection and live in wholeness.


Becoming in Community

Practicing with the WE

Whole Body Mystical Presencing Practice in Community

New opportunity for Eastertide (the days between Easter & Pentecost)

 Come co-create mystical community in a Whole Body way, weekday mornings 9:30 to 10 AM CT, around the dynamic of Whole Body Mystical Presencing. 

In ICN writings toward the end of 2023, we began discovering what this can mean in our lives and in the world.  In the Wisdom community, they talk about Centering Prayer being for one hour each day, and the Welcoming Prayer for the other 23.  Perhaps Whole Body Mystical Awakening opens us into the way of being that we are currently speaking of as Whole Body Mystical Presencing, for all day long, all life long.
We will meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for an offering and communal sharing. As we open WBMP into our lives and bodies, we will participate in how that form evolves.  So come as you are, participate as you like, and bring your ‘little lunch’ that may multiply into loaves and fishes for the many. 

Welcome, All!

Click here to join our free online community page if you’re not already a member

(Make sure to RSVP for each of the days: Monday / Wednesday / Friday - or whichever you can attend!)

Engaging with the World

Prayer of Global Communion

Whole-Body Mystical Communion With All In Wholeness — Global Mass on the World

Whole-Body Mystical Communion is a mystical practice of the living eucharist, communing in the body of Christ of which we are. Without the symbolic physical elements of bread and wine, we eat and drink from the mystical substantive presence of Christ in our midst. The living energetic reality of the consecrated whole—of which we are.

This meditation uses language and adapted quotes from Teilhard de Chardin’s Mass on the World as part of the guidance. Some of the language may be a bit perplexing at times if you are unfamiliar with it. I invite you to hear the words most especially from the center we are moving in, letting them wash over you and absorb what you may. In other words, release the need to go to your head and think about them.

Practice with this Guided Meditation from our Sunday Gathering Last Week:


Integrating through Review

Personal Becoming

How are grief and glory becoming integrated in your being?

How are you experiencing wholeness now on this side of Easter?

What word, beatitude, or theme from the lenten process is still resonating with you and beckoning further integration?

You’re invited to return to any of the reflections and practices from Lent and Easter to reengage with the intention of deeper integration: