WeCreating in Worshipful Becoming
Transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.
Each week, following an ICN article, we offer invitations into deeper becoming—spiritual practices, ways of engagement, and opportunities for life integration. This rhythm seeks to intensify our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and call forth greater transformation in ourselves, our communities, and the world—the I, the We, and the All.
We invite you to consciously and intentionally engage in the following processes for your personal lives, WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and global participation.
Tapping into Our Creative Potential
A Practice of Mystical Dreaming into What is Possible
Moving into a state of worship can be a process we undergo in order to align ourselves in right relation to both our inner being and our “object” of worship. Expressions of devotion and reverence come with authenticity when we are moving with depth of feeling within. We find our admiration and reverence to something greater and relate from the truth of our authentic being with praise, gratitude, love, and more.
In moving to worship as and from the face of God-Being-Us, the “object” is arising from within. The “greater” is coming from the inner divine Source, emerging from the depth of God who is closer to us than we are to ourselves.
As we welcome this movement of right relation to God, we move into a state of worship by tapping into the flow of our divine-self-expression. This embodied state of consciousness moves us to welcome with praise, gratitude, and love the authentic arisings of creativity from the depths of our soul in divine-human co-creation. Or, in other words, WeCreating.
The following guided meditation practice can be used to help you move into a worshipful state of inner alignment with your divine, awakened consciousness, to support the process of attuning to and welcoming these creative arisings, which sometimes almost come from a sort of dreamlike state.
You may want to enter the practice with an evolutionary intention, seeking to tap into the inner inspiration of worshipful creativity focused through a particular form or medium.
Or you may want to take a more open posture, allowing whatever may come forth to arise without constriction or predetermined attention.
However you enter the practice, seek to move with both your own creative passions and tastes in WeCreation with new arisings from spirit, which may surprise you!
Again, what comes forth may be something entirely non-artistic. Perhaps it emerges as an act of service or relational engagement, a way of being as much as a thing to be made. It may take shape in how we move through our days, tend the earth, or open space for healing—both given and received.
Welcome these creative arisings from your inner being as seeds of divine co-creation, unfolding as worshipful expressions in whatever form they take and in whatever timing is right for their sprouting and growth into fuller expression.
Together Before the Blank Canvas of Communal Creation
Engaging in the Creative Process of We-Inspiration
The creative act is a holy expression, a response to divine inspiration moving through us. But in WeCreating, we do not create alone. Instead, we approach the creative field as a shared space, a blank canvas upon which spirit paints through our collective attunement.
This practice invites a group into a sacred moment of shared presence before the unknown—before the yet-to-be-created. It is an exercise in listening, in trust, and in stepping into the mystery together. It can be done with your WeSpace group or another collective seeking to enter into a process of WeCreating together.
Practice Invitation:
1. Prepare the Space: Gather in a setting that allows for openness—perhaps around an actual blank canvas, a shared document, or simply in an energetic field of mutual expectancy.
Prompt: “Let’s gather with a sense of openness, as if around a large blank canvas on an easel, which is waiting for us to ‘see’ what we might create together.”
2. Enter in Stillness: Begin with a few moments of silence, acknowledging that something new is waiting to emerge, though none of you yet know what it is.
Prompt: “Now, let’s enter into a communal silence, erasing whatever has come before this moment, and allowing the blankness of the canvas to become a vessel to hold what We might create together. Take a few deep breaths to calm the mind and relax the body.”
3. Invoking the Creative Field: In the silence, welcome the divine force of creativity present deep within you and among the group. Allow any felt-sense intuition or energy to arise from this Source, not necessarily needing there to be thought form or shape yet, but a collective invocation.
Prompt: “What do we sense deep within? What does our spirit long for? What might be here for us to welcome and WeCreate for the loving evolution of Christianity and the world?”
4. Listening Together: One by one, invite each person to share an image, word, movement, or feeling that is arising within them in relation to the act of creation.
Prompt: “We invite one another to speak or name an image, word, movement, or feeling that is arising. What do you see appearing on the canvas? Speak these into the space without commentary or evaluation.”
5. Weaving the Threads: As these elements emerge, we might begin to notice similar patterns, resonant themes, and new invitations coming forth. Name these from the present tense, welcoming our ongoing participation in what is emerging in our midst.
Prompt: “Are there any patterns, resonances, and invitations arising on the canvas? What themes are forming? What is beginning to take shape?”
6. Enacting the Creative Flow: Respond to what has arisen. Perhaps it is the beginning of a new endeavor, a shared vision for an offering, or simply a deeper recognition of what Spirit is calling forth in your midst.
Prompt: “Are we discerning a co-creation arising among us? How might what is here among us speak to a shared vision or deeper recognition of what Spirit is calling forth from our unique gathering?”
7. Bringing it into Conscious Action: When the creative exercise feels complete, shift into a time of conscious reflection and thinking. Brainstorm practical solutions, implications, or applications of what has emerged. How might this creation be carried forward? What next steps are calling?
Prompt: “Come back into the gallery in our regular conscious mind, the part of us which analyzes, designs, plans, and enacts projects. Might we brainstorm practical solutions, implications, or applications of what has emerged?
How might this WeCreation be carried forward? What next steps are calling? What might Spirit be inviting you—and the group—into as a next step in embodying love and transformation?
8. Blessing the Emergence: Close with a moment of gratitude, acknowledging that what has been given is not the possession of any one person, but a gift of the communal Spirit moving in and through you all.
Prompt: “Thank you, Spirit, Christ, Sophia, Divine Wisdom for participating with us and calling us together with you to become agents of your love, peace, and light. Ennoble us and enable us to receive this task and the grace to contribute to its fruition.
If anyone would like to contribute to our closing in blessing with words of thanks, strengthening, or encouragement, please do so.”
Living in the Flow of Creativity
Holistic Attending to Our Spheres of Influence
So then how do we live?
“Spheres of Influence” refers to the areas of our lives we can make an impact through our presence and actions. As we seek to integrate spiritual practices and learnings into our everyday lives, we are invited to consider how these lessons, practices, and ways of being can influence the world around us.
We invite you to consciously reflect on how you might embody WeCreating in your life—in your local community, online spaces, or throughout the mystical cosmos.
How might we carry the process of worshipful creativity into the spaces where we live, work, and play?
Consider these three spheres of influence as invitations to welcome our creative arisings in our lives:
1. Personal Integration (I)
Where do you sense creative inspiration arising in your life right now? Or where might you want to be more intentional in welcoming this divine flow from within?
How might you more fully welcome and cultivate this movement of creative worship in your daily rhythms?
2. Relational & Communal Expression (We)
How is creativity seeking expression through your relationships and shared experiences?
Is there a person or group of people in your life you feel drawn to WeCreate with? How might you be intentional in developing and cultivating that further?
3. Global & Cosmic Participation (All)
How might you welcome a sense of cosmic interconnection in your creative process? Can you integrate the divine arisings within as entangled with the creative process of the entire universe?
Thinking non-locally, how might your creative worship find expression in and with a global situation? Can you welcome the divine inspiration within you to contribute to something greater—whether through tangible actions or shifts in awareness? What seeds of possibility might you plant for the flourishing of all?
These spheres are not separate, but interwoven, each informing and impacting the others. As you welcome the creative arisings within, allow them to dance in and among all of the spheres of our lives, forming a living act of worship—one that is not only expressed but embodied in the world.
All Images are open-source, used with permission, or created by ICN