Practicing Resonating Prayer
“Guides Above” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
Transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.
Each week, following an ICN article, we share invitations into deeper becoming. These may be spiritual practices, ways of deeper engagement, and opportunities for life integration. Our becoming happens personally, communally, and globally as we cultivate transformation through the I, the We, and the All.
Our intention with this rhythm is to foster an intensification of our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and support the enactment of life integration for the transformation of ourselves, our neighbors, and the world.
We invite you to consciously and intentionally engage in the following processes for your personal lives, WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and global participation.
Resonating Prayer in “the We”
Joining a WeSpace
Resonating Prayer is a practice that was born out of the specific context of a WeSpace group. Of course, it applies and can be practiced in any situation in life, as we’ll explore below. But we believe the best context for coming into an initial experience with Resonating Prayer is by joining a new WeSpace group.
The next round of groups will start early next year, and a couple of spots have opened up on the waitlist of groups that have just begun. You can sign up to jump in or add your name to the waitlist:
“Prayer Energy” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
Resonating at Any Moment
Integrating Resonating Prayer into the Fabric of Life
Resonating Prayer is not bound to a WeSpace setting. It is something we can practice in any moment of our life. From our practice of Whole-Body Mystical Presencing, we live more into the fullness of our awakened consciousness in a moment-to-moment permeation of divine spirit.
We do this through both attuning and consciously engaging in the stirrings of spirit as and when they arise or are prompted by something in our awareness.
From this place of deeper, holistic, integrated presence, we can move into an active resonance with another, the earth, the cosmos, or any form. We can attune and engage with the divine energy vibrating at the frequency to which we have come in harmony with.
As you resonate from this place, let yourself be open to any arisings of spiritual knowing that might emerge. Or let yourself silently transmit and send love or healing. This could be for a total stranger you encounter, a person far away who comes to mind, a place of nature, an area of suffering, or anything or anyone really.
Our resonance capacity is not bound by space or time. You can practice this at any moment, regardless of the circumstances around you. Even right now!
Here are three ways you might try:
Through a chance encounter:
If you find yourself waiting or with a moment to spare, let yourself notice a stranger. You may feel drawn to a particular person or you might just choose someone. Let yourself resonate with their inner state, feeling their deeper being. Send them love from your heart. Transmit healing and care. Or be open to spiritual knowing in whatever way it might come. You might be drawn to share with them what has emerged or simply hold it in your heart as a prayer for them.
With a relationship:
Open your field of awareness to the deeper reality of interconnection and loving entanglement we have with people in our lives. And then actively invite a noticing of someone. Don’t choose who. Let that arise from deeper within you. When they come to mind, hold them in loving awareness and sensitivity. You may even receive a knowing about them in the present moment or an action step of response, such as reaching out to them.
With a Group:
You can also invite a noticing of a group—perhaps your WeSpace. Or a community of people you are a part of or connected to in some way. Perhaps a city you live in or across the world. It can even be a “dispersed” group that share a certain quality like widows or orphans, for example. What is the felt sense when you are tuning into them and opening to resonate from divine love?
With each of these practices, it’s important to be mindful of spiritual and energetic boundaries, both for yourself and others. Trust your inner discernment of how and with who you open to resonance with. Only engage in these practices from a place of divine love and clear intention.
Spirit may lead us in many ways to people and places that are longing to be heard, felt, and resonated with in a loving way. In this regard, we can be a healing presence of love in the world that is transforming and life-giving.
In this resonating prayer practice of WBMP, when we are in open attunement, sometimes we will just feel drawn into the field of collective awareness—as if pulled in by another or a group. Other times, we might notice a tug of attention to direct our energy and spirit in a certain direction. This can happen at any time in our day.
If you feel drawn, you can set an intention to be open to receiving this sort of awareness and resonance at any moment of your days this week.
“Baptized to Life” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
Resonating with All
Infinite Resonance with the World & Cosmos
We can also resonate with the whole of the earth and the universe. This “infinite resonance” resounds in ways that are often of a different magnitude than our direct and particular relational resonance.
It might be grand and glorious. A transcendent rapture into the vast infinite, boundless eternal. We may feel entirely subsumed and immersed in resonance with such limitlessness and potency. It may be filled with ecstatic elation and vibratory bliss. Or it may be an immense emptiness, felt within the peace of spacious wholeness. Or something else entirely. Often it is indescribable.
In our conscious presence, we can intentionally attune to the All to be open to receiving these ways of resonance, or we can consciously engage in our own “bell-ringing” of cosmic proportions.
This can be done from our own personal being, but also can be especially dynamic coming from a group intention and orientation. It can be a deep way that we “pray with the world.”
One act of such engagement happens in our WeSpace groups through a practice we call “The Geyser of Love.”
At the end of each WeSpace practice, we gather all the shared energy of love and connection that has been present among us and send it out to the world. This ritual is an act of acknowledgement and commitment to our practice not being just for or among ourselves, but also for our neighbors, our cities, and the whole world.
We use our hands to raise the energy up all together and send it forth, shooting like a geyser and spraying out to the world.
If you’d like to give this a try, you are invited to do this on your own in our a group. If you would like to use a recorded invocation of this ritual, you can us this guidance—which even includes sound from a real geyser!
“Healing Geyser” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
At other times, rather than moving with such strong, erupting energy, our resonant response to the All might be to find ourselves totally still and silent.
Perhaps this poem from Rilke can speak to such moments of infinite resonance blowing into our lives:
Stand still, listening in astonishment,
You my deepest life,
That you may know what the wind wants from you
Before even the birches shake.
And when on occasion silence spoke to you,
Let your senses be overcome.
To each breath, give yourself, give way,
It will love you and cradle you.
And then my soul, reach out, reach out,
So that your life be fulfilled
Spread yourself like a ceremonial garment
Over the thought-filled things.
All Images are open-source, used with permission, or created by ICN