Healing & Transforming the World in Practice
Transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.
The new ICN rhythm of Saturday posts has shifted to sharing an article for learning one week, followed the next week by invitations into deeper becoming through spiritual practicing, intentional forms of engaging, and opportunities for integrating into our daily lives.
Our becoming happens personally, communally, and globally as we cultivate transformation through the I, the We, and the All.
Our intention with this new rhythm is to foster an intensification of our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and support the enactment of life integration for the transformation of ourselves, our neighbors, and the world.
We invite you to consciously and intentionally engage in the following processes for your personal lives, WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and global participation.
“Prayer in Waves” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
The Vibrant Web of Spiritual Heart Energy
Heartful Attunement with Whole-Body Mystical Presencing
Click here to learn more about Whole-Body Mystical Presencing (WBMP)
“On Earth as it is in Heaven” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
To heal and change the world through mystical activism, we need ways to purposefully and directly move from our ordinary consciousness to non-ordinary mystical consciousness. This includes the awakened state in harmonic cocreation and wisdom and the unitive state of oneness that was Jesus’ plan for transforming the world.
As we cultivate our heart consciousness, we come alive to the energetic presence of love and connection through our hearts. In heartful attunement, we can sense with our relational enlivenment in the dynamic field of the heart, which extends out beyond our physical bodies.
In any moment, we can experience openness of heart with others, with nature, and even in the bliss of universal embrace. In the sensitivity of our tender heart, we can be conscious with our personal needs and healthy boundaries. And in the strength of our divine heart, we have the fortitude to bear and bless any and all things, for the source of love is inexhaustible and surges forth with every swell we draw upon and presence in our lives for this moment.
At any time, we may also become aware of God’s motherly fatherly presence, the Living Jesus, other spiritual guides, and the great cloud of witness that surround us. This is all an astonishing flow of heart energy swirling in and around us. We not only give and send out, but can also soak it up. We receive healing and transformation within and among ourselves in the heart space of loving connection, though we are also contributing and giving into that flow.
Living more into and through the vibrant web of spiritual heart energy is a way of integrating mystical activism from our hearts into the everyday, at any moment in our lives. It expands our participation in life and moves us into the divine power of oneness and sacred interconnection with others and the world.
“Geyser of Love” by Dalmo Mendonça
Transmitting Heart Love to the World
The Geyser of Love
There are lots of ways we can engage in the mystical activism of becoming transmitters of heart love and healing to the world. Any practice that has the intention to share from our hearts the love and healing that God wishes to bring into the world more fully is a form of mystical activism. The radiant center of love and bliss in all of our hearts is an inexhaustible source of the deep surge of love, embracing all.
One practice we use in our WeSpace groups is something we call “The Geyser of Love.” It is an intentional engagement with mystical activism we do at the end of every group. The geyser called “Old Faithful” in Yellowstone National Park is an image of flow, power, and rivers of living water that we find is a metaphor for what we experience.
We reach down with our hands, gathering the love flowing around, and then raise our hands up in the air together, sending that energy shooting up and out like a geyser. We are taking the harmony, unity, and power of our field of love that has been generated during our practice and sending it out to the whole world. We transmit this energy field out to people and places that come to our mind or to the entire planet.
You can do it any time you like, especially whenever you have a sense of the energy of gathered love and shared connection—and you want to share that beyond just the group you’re currently a part of. Or even if you’re feeling that by yourself alone, there’s nothing stopping you from sending it out any time you are drawn to. You never know when some geysers are going to erupt with overflowing love!
Mystical Activism from the Heart
A Meditation Practice for Individuals or Groups
Here is a meditation practice from Allen Bourque guiding you (or a group) into a gentle practice of mystical activism, primarily from the heart space.
“World’s Anew” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
All Images are open-source, used with permission, or created by ICN