Choosing Holistic Presence in our Lives
“Singing in Spirit” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
Transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.
Each week, following an ICN article, we share invitations into deeper becoming. These may be spiritual practices, ways of deeper engagement, and opportunities for life integration. Our becoming happens personally, communally, and globally as we cultivate transformation through the I, the We, and the All.
Our intention with this rhythm is to foster an intensification of our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and support the enactment of life integration for the transformation of ourselves, our neighbors, and the world.
We invite you to consciously and intentionally engage in the following processes for your personal lives, WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and global participation.
Activing the Wellspring of Our Vitality
An “I” Practice of Invoking Presence from the Source
In Whole-Body Mystical Presencing—which is a practice to enter the everyday reality of Christ consciousness, a moment-to-moment permeation of divine spirit—we practice the any/every moment participation in holistic presence.
As such, WBMP is not a meditation practice, but rather, a way of being.
The following meditation practice is meant to serve as a catalyst to evoke greater inner capacity to live in this way of being, from the divine wellspring throughout the experience of our daily lives.
Try practicing it in the morning to channel your intention and welcome your holistic presence throughout the day.
At any time following this practice, you can invoke the wellspring with the phrase, “I welcome Presence at any moment, chosen or received.”
You may also develop a “lean ritual” of primal gesture. Such ritual is free of any explicit theology but holds an embodied meaning of divine presencing for you. It can be a repeated movement or action which is your body’s natural responsiveness to attunement and engaging in presence.
It may be a posture, gesture, movement, sound, or physical manifestation coming forth from within you. This embodied response comes in many forms. It might be a sudden energetic shaking throughout your whole body. A turning open of the hands. A mudra. A hand to the heart. Goosebumps. A jump or skip in your step. A hum. A song. A widening of the eyes. A holding of a blink.
Whatever expression flows from your body, let it come. And then receive the deeper invitation to presence it is offering.
Presencing Our Communion Beyond Space & Time
A “We” Practice of Collective Attunement & Engaging
In WeSpace, we can presence to a larger field than our own individual particularity. This is an active engagement into the interwoven reality of our collective being.
And we can presence to this communal reality even when we are not together face-to-face. This is a powerful way of practicing and realizing our participation in a “We” way of Whole-Body Mystical Presencing.
If you are part of a WeSpace group or another deeply connected spiritual community, practice presencing to the WeSpace energy field when you are not together. At any moment in your day, you can open your field of awareness to the experiential reality of your underlying communion. It may feel something like what you experience in group times together. Or it may have a different quality or sense to it.
Some groups have used technology to aid in this process. You can set up a group chat, and when any one of you presence to the We field, send the group a message to let them know. This draws everyone into more active awareness. Often, it even helps reveal a subtle awareness for the others that has already been present. The naming calls it forth more consciously for one another.
So we can we-presence through our own conscious engagement, chosen at any moment. And we can also be “pulled in” so to speak through an attuned receptivity where we may find ourselves drawn into we-presence at any moment. When we are present with this underlying open attunement, sometimes we will just feel suddenly “dropped” into the field of collective awareness, as if invited in by another through a subtle, mystical force we receive as a gift.
Seamless Perceiving from Interbeing
Integrating All into our Embodied Presence
In participatory awareness at any moment, we can open to the processes of perceiving awareness from our mystical interbeing.
“That there is no gap between seer, seeing, and seen; between hearer, hearing, and heard; between toucher, touching, and touched…to perceive a world is to feel, to participate in, an ongoing interfusion of subject and object through sensory and extrasensory imagery, an interfusion which is capable of development and extension and which reveals the distinctness of subject and object within their interactive communion.
“Seamless perceiving is not something to be constructed and manufactured. It is a matter of uncovering and noticing what is already going on as an innate condition of our being-in-a-world. We open fully and equally to inner and outer experiences, while letting go of any tight conceptual grip upon them, and at the same time abandoning any compulsive emotional grasp of them. Then we enjoy their seamless marriage within the encompassing embrace of being.”
– John Heron
We might experience this encompassing embrace in a somatic, bodily way. Our mind releases the grip, our hearts let go of emotional grasp, and we simply inter-sense in our body the quantum perception of incarnated entanglement.
You might lie down and open your arms. Let your awareness be with the smallest elements of your being. The vibratory dance of quantum nonlocality, here and not-here at the same time. In this constellation of being, let your perception dance among and between various stars. Not as objects of perception, but lights of your very being shining forth as our emanations. As our cosmic and present body beyond individuality.
Whenever needed, if you feel disoriented, anchor back in your core of particularized being, knowing you are here in your uniqueness. Feel free to dance between the fields of interbeing and being you.
Once you have a felt sense of this, you might find this interbeing arising in any moment, a sudden expansion and contraction of entanglement at the sub-atomic level. At times, this vibratory body-bliss shakes our whole being. At other times, it is a slight and simple pulse. Or even just simply an imperceptible tremor below the surface of awareness.
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