Becoming in the Oneness We Already Are
Transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.
Each week, following an ICN article, we share invitations into deeper becoming. These may be spiritual practices, ways of deeper engagement, and opportunities for life integration. Our becoming happens personally, communally, and globally as we cultivate transformation through the I, the We, and the All.
Our intention with this rhythm is to foster an intensification of our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and support the enactment of life integration for the transformation of ourselves, our neighbors, and the world.
We invite you to consciously and intentionally engage in the following processes for your personal lives, WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and global participation.
Gazing to Merge in We-Oneness
A Practice of Oneness with Jesus or Guide
Mystical Christian meditators down through the centuries have gazed at icons of Jesus as the God-human deity who radically showed us what God-Being-Us looks like in fully manifested form.
Use your favorite image of Jesus or the one below. If you find it difficult to relate to Jesus because of spiritual abuse done in his name, you can connect with any spiritual master you feel drawn to or who reveals themself to you.
When I (Paul) first did this with Jesus, I said, "But Jesus, this isn't the real you." He said, "It is if you let it be."
I sometimes focus on the eyes of Jesus. Jesus said "The eye is the lamp of the body (Matt. 6:22). Gaze into the smiling eyes of Jesus and let your souls become one.
When the mirror of your heart becomes clear and pure,
you'll behold images which are outside this world.
You will see the image and the image-Maker,
both the carpet of the spiritual expanse
and the One who spreads it.
— Rumi
The experience of devotion to Jesus in the mystical visionary realm is a primary doorway to connecting with him and his Oneness, as well as accessing your other spiritual messengers.
“Gazing Jesus” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
Once again, if you are still healing from the rampant spiritual abuse in a traditional, rigid, patriarchal, or homophobic Christian setting, you may find Mary or other advanced guides more accessible. You may want to ask God to help you be open to whomever you are ready for.
If you begin with Jesus, you will find this opens the pathway to access other guides. After you engage your heart space, let the deep devotion to and love for God and Jesus or your primary guide flow. Notice what is happening in you.
As you gaze at Jesus, you might sense him as an energetic field. I See him in a favorite physical artist's image, sculpture, or icon — or feel his presence with a knowing or bodily sensation. Notice how his energetic presence is affecting your awareness.
You may experience bliss, exhilaration, and euphoria, a happiness that is often unbearable and certainly indescribable.
Or you may not sense anything at all. Entering the visionary realm takes practice and attunement. Don't give up if it doesn't all come right away. Keep trying to move down into your heart, and its effects within you will emerge in time.
Dropping into the Ocean of Shared Feeling
Integrating the Depths of Oneness with Others in Life
At any time when you are present with others at work, school, home, or play, you can intentionally presence into a sense of the underlying oneness among us.
One way of doing this is to drop into the ocean of shared feeling.
This is the energetic flow of heart happening below the surface, in the deeper space we’re sharing in our midst. You can do this in a moment of “in-between” time or even while in conversation. You engage your attention beyond the ordinary level of interaction and sensing. Enter through your heart, sinking under the surface level waves of particular emotions and the tumult of particular feelings—your own and the others around you.
This is a mystical sensing and capacity honed with practice. A double-plane functioning of engaging in social activity while also presencing to the shared ground of being. In this ocean of shared feeling, where we become one with one another, you can sense the felt particularity of this collective current in its locality, while also presencing to the infinite ocean encompassing us all.
While this is most often primarily a practice of the heart, we can immerse into this ocean through any of our centers and whole being.
Resonating Prayer in Oneness Together
Engaging the All from the We
Have you experienced intersubjectivity and communality through your body, your heart, your womb, or your head?
(See last week’s article for descriptions of what this might feel like from each center)
In your next WeSpace, with a group, a partner, or with your guides, lean into your source awareness from the communal body and collective consciousness.
Rather than think of yourself as an individual entering into Oneness, be the Oneness you already are together.
Rather than sensing each of your embodied centers in your own single body, welcome your consciousness arising from the shared body, the shared womb, the shared heart, the shared mind.
What awareness arises from this We-Oneness among us now?
You might use the following guided meditation to help you enter into this We-Oneness, letting the words of Jesus immerse you in Oneness (without trying to “understand” them from your head).
After, rather than focusing on individuals for resonance, let your collective body resonate with God. Attune with the infinite All from this particular We. What arises in this space? Speak forth your spiritual knowing and experience from this space of communion.
All Images are open-source, used with permission, or created by ICN