How to Tell You Are Waking Up
Part Five: Welcoming Expanded Consciousness/Spirit Into Your Life
Moving into expanded consciousness is a profound and transformative experience that often comes with identifiable signs and shifts in one's perception and awareness. However, we may not always easily recognize them when we are in the midst of such significant changes.
For the last two parts of this series, we’ll look at sixteen signs you are moving into expanded consciousness.
Remember, a spiritual awakening is a highly individual experience, and not everyone will go through all of these signs. You may want to note which ones apply to your journey. While these signs can vary from person to person, here are some common indicators.
Image by Gordon Johnson
1. Enhanced Levels of Awareness
In this state of being, you experience the heightened awareness that ICN calls subtle awakened consciousness-spirit and transcendent Oneness. Heightened awareness leads to an expansion of perception beyond the usual limits of the five physical senses. You may notice that you become more present and attentive in your daily life. Your senses seem sharper, and you feel more connected to your surroundings.
Whole Body Mystical Awakening, ICN's foundational meditative prayer practice, focuses on our four centers of spiritual knowing – head, heart, spiritual womb, and feet. This leads to more head wisdom, deeper heart love, heightened spiritual womb intuition, grounding in nature in our feet, and more. We become more aware of subtle energies and a stronger sense of knowing without relying solely on rational thinking.
These boosted dimensions of awareness range from fleeting moments of knowing spiritual realities to a more sustained consciousness-spirit called a trance in the book of Acts and by mystics down through history.
We see trance experiences in ancient and contemporary shamanism, Sufi and Hindu mystics, medieval Christian mystics, like Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, and Teresa of Ávila, Indigenous and Native American spirituality, and other spiritual paths.
Image by walterbruneel
2. Experiencing Oneness
In expanded consciousness-spirit, you have a deep sense of interconnectedness with all living beings and the universe. You realize that everything is interconnected and separateness is an illusion. Within yourself there is a sense of self-acceptance and inner peace.
Oneness, also known as unity or interconnectedness, is experiencing all things in existence as profoundly interconnected, forming a unified whole. Global Oneness refers to humanity uniting beyond borders and differences, working together to address common challenges such as climate change, poverty, or global health issues.
As a sign of expanded consciousness, the experience of Oneness will release us from a tribal approach to religion and spirituality. Growing beyond traditional Christianity that dismisses or attacks other religions, Integral Christianity is done with that. We welcome different spiritual paths, learn from them, and work with them to bring healing to the world.
Numerous spiritual traditions besides mystical Christianity emphasize the concept of Oneness or interconnectedness. While interpretations and practices may vary, the core idea of unity and interconnectedness is a common thread among these traditions. Here are some that incorporate the idea of Oneness:
The Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta emphasizes Oneness. However, we are often unfamiliar with Hindu deities such as Ganesh, pictured here with the head of an elephant. They may seem very strange, such as having many arms, symbolizing the ability to do many things at once.
I have two dear Hindu friends in Pune, India who are not a part of ICN. Raj is Hindu, the other, Gita, is a Christian Hindu after having a dramatic vision of both Jesus and Khrishna. Gita meditates and prays faithfully every day to both Jesus and Khrishna. Raj prays to Ganesh and makes frequent visits to his local Temple.
Certain Buddhist schools, such as Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, teach that everything in existence is interdependent, and realizing this interconnectedness leads to a sense of Oneness.
Kabbalah, a mystical branch of Judaism, teaches that all creation emanates from the divine source. Taoism is rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy. It emphasizes harmony with the natural flow of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things. Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, teaches that a unifying essence connects all of creation to the divine source.
Indigenous and Native Traditions deeply connect with nature and understand that all living beings are part of one interconnected web of life.
New Age spirituality draws on various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, often emphasizing the concept of Oneness and the interconnectedness of all life.
Universalist and Unitarian traditions emphasize all beings' inherent worth and interconnectedness, promoting tolerance, inclusivity, and unity.
I write about this sign of awakening in the context of welcoming other traditions, using their images because expanded consciousness cannot be contained by just one tradition. We grow to be comfortable with and bless other paths to Oneness as we expand and evolve.
3. Increased Compassion and Empathy
This refers to heightened emotional states and attitudes characterized by a greater understanding and concern for the feelings, needs, and suffering of others. You develop a stronger sense of compassion and empathy for others, deeply understanding their experiences and emotions.
Compassion is the capacity to recognize and show care and concern for the suffering or distress of others. It involves empathizing with someone's pain or challenges and responding with kindness, warmth, and a desire to alleviate their suffering. Compassion goes beyond simply feeling sorry for someone. It involves a genuine desire to help and make a positive difference in their life.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the emotions and experiences of others. It means putting oneself in someone else's shoes, trying to see the world from their perspective, and feeling what they might be feeling. Empathy allows individuals to connect with others on a deeper emotional level, fostering better communication and emotional support.
When you experience increased compassion and empathy, you are more likely to help others in need, whether providing emotional support, practical assistance, or resources. You tend to have stronger social connections and relationships, as they are more attuned to others' emotions and needs. You exhibit greater tolerance and understanding of diversity, as empathy helps you appreciate different perspectives and experiences. You are more likely to engage in acts of kindness, contributing positively to communities and society.
Cultivating compassion and empathy is not only beneficial for others but also for yourself. Engaging in compassionate actions and empathetic listening can increase well-being, reduce stress, and provide a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.
4. Timelessness
Moments of timelessness may occur where you feel fully immersed in the present moment, transcending the boundaries of the past and future. Timelessness refers to a state or quality of existence beyond the constraints of time. It is the idea that something is eternal, unchanging, and not bound by the linear progression of time that humans experience in their daily lives. In this context, time is a construct that only applies to the material world, while the timeless realm is beyond the limitations of time.
Having a spiritual experience of timelessness is a profound encounter or state of consciousness in which you feel a deep connection to something greater than yourself, transcending the ordinary constraints of time. During such experiences, you may feel a sense of unity, expansion, or oneness with the universe, often leading to a perception that time no longer exists or holds any relevance.
These experiences can be described as a feeling of being "present" in the eternal now, where past and future lose their significance, and the individual feels fully immersed in the present moment. It is as if time ceases to be linear, and the boundaries between past, present, and future dissolve.
Some people experience timelessness during near-death experiences, deep meditation, or in moments of intense awe and wonder, like witnessing the beauty of nature or feeling a deep connection with others.
In these states, individuals may report a sense of time standing still, an expansion of consciousness beyond the physical self, and a feeling of being connected to something infinite and eternal. Such experiences can be life-changing and transformative, leading to a greater sense of purpose, inner peace, and spiritual insight.
5. Letting Go of Ego Identification
This is the process of detaching yourself from a strong connection to your ego, or the sense of self that is shaped by your thoughts, beliefs, and identities. The ego is the part of our mind that creates a conceptual identity, often leading us to see ourselves as separate from others and the world around us.
As you let go, you become less attached to the egoic self and identify less with material possessions, titles, and external validation.
When we are heavily identified with the ego, we perceive ourselves as defined by our achievements, possessions, social status, and roles. This can lead to various issues, such as feelings of superiority or inferiority, a constant need for validation, fear of failure, and difficulty in accepting and understanding others.
Letting go of ego identification is fundamental to personal growth, spiritual development, and emotional well-being. It involves recognizing that the ego is not the true self but a construct that can cloud our perception and create unnecessary suffering. This starts when we become aware of the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors we are attached to. We pay attention to moments when the ego is at play, such as when you need to defend yourself, seek approval, or compare yourself to others.
6. Deconstructing the religion of your youth or former tradition.
Deconstruction is a complex and personal journey that some undertake as part of their growth and development. It involves critically examining the beliefs, practices, and values they were taught or exposed to during their upbringing and questioning their validity, relevance, and impact on their lives. I recently wrote an 8-part series about this for Christianity.
Here are some common steps and considerations that individuals might take when deconstructing their religious or traditional beliefs:
Deconstruction involves asking difficult questions about a religion or tradition's doctrines, teachings, and practices. This may include challenging long-held beliefs and seeking a deeper understanding of their origins and historical context.
Many individuals who deconstruct their beliefs actively seek alternative perspectives, studying other religions, philosophical systems, or scientific explanations to gain a broader understanding of the world.
Deconstructing deeply held beliefs can be emotionally challenging. Feelings of doubt, guilt, or confusion are not uncommon. Finding a support network or seeking guidance from others who have undergone a similar process can be beneficial.
As you deconstruct your beliefs, you may be in a different position than your family or community. It's essential to approach discussions with respect for the beliefs of others while asserting your right to personal beliefs.
Deconstruction can be an intense time. Those from a religious background who are evolving always need to let go of some of those beliefs, revise others, and replace some with more evolved understandings. This intensity of letting go is about the same as the intensity with which you held your original religious beliefs.
7. A Deep Sense of Gratitude
A deep sense of gratitude is a profound and sincere appreciation and thankfulness that often accompanies awakening. It goes beyond simply recognizing and acknowledging the positive aspects of one's life or the kindness others show. Instead, it involves an emotional connection to the things, people, experiences, or circumstances that have contributed positively to one's well-being and happiness.
When someone experiences a deep sense of gratitude, they feel genuinely thankful for the blessings and opportunities they have received, no matter how big or small. A sense of humility and recognition of the interconnectedness of life often accompanies this feeling. People who cultivate a deep sense of gratitude tend to focus on the positives in their lives, even in challenging times and may be more inclined to see life as a gift rather than taking things for granted.
Expressing gratitude can enhance our well-being, foster positive relationships, reduce stress, and promote empathy and compassion. Moreover, gratitude can help individuals gain perspective and find contentment in their lives, leading to a more fulfilling and happier existence. Gratitude becomes a natural state of being as you recognize the abundance and beauty in every aspect of life.
8. Companions from the spiritual realm
We may find both uncertainty and great joy as our spiritual companions in the other realm begin to take shape in our mystical sensing, hearing, and vision. We have read about these messengers in the Bible and mystics down through the centuries, perhaps with some skepticism, at least for our own accessing such "angelic" messengers.
However, when we open up to, welcome, and stay with these mystical friends, they emerge as real, present, and oh-so-helpful.
These spiritual presences in the Integral Christian path may begin with Jesus and his Abba Father-Mother, and continue with Mary, Sophia, and many other meaningful presences. They are all a clear sign that we are waking up!
Next time we look at eight more signs of spiritual awakening.
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Reflection. . .
Which of these eight signs of awakening have you experienced?
Enhanced levels of awareness
Experiencing Oneness
Increased Compassion and Empathy
Letting go of ego identification
Deconstructing the religion of your youth or former tradition
A Deep Sense of Gratitude
Companions from the spiritual realm
Which ones have been most significant in your spiritual evolution?
Which one is your favorite so far?