Intro to Spirit Guides (a Recorded Course)

Intro to Spirit Guides (a Recorded Course)


An Invitation from Your Invisible Friends

Engaging Our Mystical Companions

Do you have a spirit guide?

Wherever there are people, there are spirit guides. A spirit guide is a non-physical being who can be your loving friend and empowering companion. They also may appear in one-time events to impart encouragement and comfort. The Bible almost always calls them “angels” in a misleading transliteration of the Greek word angelos, which means “messenger.”

For many Christians, Jesus is the primary personal presence of God that we may or may not have a mystical relationship with today. Many forms of progressive Christianity have left behind the personal relationship with Jesus as too chummy, naive, or narrow. Instead, one deals with a somewhat abstract or theological “Christ” or an amorphous spiritual energy. Angels, which appear all throughout the Bible, are also often dismissed these days—along with the communion of saints, the cloud of witnesses, and other mystical, personal forms of divine presence appearing in our lives.

Our mystical companions are offering us an invitation today to rediscover their loving and guiding presences, reclaim the 2nd-person relational connections of mystical spirituality, and rediscover the joy, wisdom, and healing that they long to bring to us.

In this recorded live event, Paul Smith first opened our minds to understanding the history and ways spirit guides come forth to us through teaching to our minds, followed by a time of question and response. Then you’ll have the opportunity to open your heart to receive experiences of connection and guidance through collective practices and group processing afterward.

This experiential 3-session process of discovery, opening, awakening, and deepening is a time of responding to the invitation from our invisible friends. A time to engage with our mystical companions, whether they be new, unmet friends or life-long companions on the journey.


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