WeSpace Guides & Liaisons Resource Page
Roles for WeSpace Groups
(For further clarification of roles in WeSpace groups, see below)
A WeSpace Guide for new groups is a presence of support and care, offering experience, companionship, and guidance for those beginning their journey in an ICN WeSpace.
For ongoing groups, they are the carriers of the vision and the keepers of the practice, serving and advocates and caretakers for ICN and their own WeSpace group.
For ongoing groups, the liaison is responsible for the logistics, such as group/facilitation scheduling, reminder emails, and reaching out to absent members. The liaison is also the contact person for checking in on the groups or relating any needs the group might have, such as new members or any support/resources that might be helpful.
The facilitator is simply the group member who is leading the WeSpace practice for the current session. In most groups, facilitation rotates each meeting, with everyone taking a turn.
Helps launch the new groups alongside Luke and Paul, present for some of the initial meetings to answer questions, teach, and aid the reflection process as participants learn new practices.
Intro video from Luke & Paul with the story of ICN:
Paul and Luke’s ICN Origin Story
Resources for New Guides:
How to Be a WeSpace Guide
Read this to orient yourself before starting with a new WeSpace group:
WeSpace Guide Session Outline
This document describes your role for each of the initial eight session.
Resources for Initial WeSpace Commitment (first four months):
WeSpace Orientation Guide
New groups are sent this document just before they get started:
WeSpace Meeting Process
This explains what happens in a WeSpace group, detailing the Connection Time, WBMA, and Resonating Prayer process:
WeSpace Facilitators Guide
Provide this document to the group when you first talk about facilitation and co-ownership of the group. Keep providing it whenever someone will facilitate for the first time:
Resources for Ongoing Groups:
WeSpace Stage 2
Describes the process of going from the initial commitment period to an ongoing WeSpace group: