Sunday Gathering
Integral Christian Network Sunday Gatherings
are open for all to join.
Every Sunday:
8am PT / 10am CT / 11am ET / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET
Is it Sunday? Join the meeting now with the Zoom link:
Sunday Gathering Rhythm:
First Half: Whole-Body Mystical Communion Meditation
Second Half: Embodied Contemplative Conversation in groups, usually with an excerpt from the weekly writing.
(If you’re not already receiving our weekly writings, you can sign up here)
Intentions & Guidelines
Our Sunday Gathering time exists for these current and evolving intentions:
A place to gather for WeSpace participants to share together in deepening connections, larger collective practice, and spiritual communion.
A place for learning and discovery with one another around the themes of evolving spirituality, mysticism, integral Christianity, and more.
When engaging in contemplative conversation, please keep in mind the following guidelines:
We practice listening deeply and seeking to know from all our centers (mind/heart/gut/body), sharing authentically and without pre-planning.
All of us bring vital energy to this space, and we are all participants in what is co-created in our time together.
This is an opportunity to be more interested in what’s new and emerging in our shared conversation, rather than focusing on what we already know.
As we open ourselves and share our discoveries, we avoid correcting, debate, “fixing”, or offering unsolicited advice.
Our conversation may have silent spaces; we welcome these as times to be receptive and listen.