Nurturing Wombfulness
Mindfulness, heartfulness—what about wombfulness?
Our spiritual womb is a powerful and important center of awareness in our body that is often far less emphasized than our other centers. Sometimes we speak of how our “gut” is telling us something, but how do we further cultivate our sense of knowing and being from this deep, vital core of intuition and identity?
This online course is led by Luke Healy and Vivien Claire as a practice-oriented exploration of cultivating our awareness from our spiritual womb. As experiential-based learning, this self-paced course can be taken as a day of retreat or as two separate sessions.
Session One Video (Morning)
“Anchoring into our Spiritual Wombs: Cultivating our Quality of Womb Awareness”Session Two Video (Afternoon)
“Fruits of the womb and flowing forth from our depths”
“The Feminine Path” by Peter Van Staten
Some questions of inquiry include:
What do we mean by ‘Womb’ space?
What gets in the way of us connecting to our womb center?
What helps us enter in and listen from there?
Can anchoring in the womb space be healing and soul forming?
How do we discover connectedness to one another in the womb? What is “umbilical knowing”?
What are the dynamics of the womb WeSpace?
How do we move into the unitive source of immanent transcendence, of “in-spansion,” of being all?
Where do we go from here in further exploration?
“Taking part in the process of the shared exploration of the womb space is quite a deep experience of an embodied connection to universal lifeforce, to other beings and to myself.”
This course is available to be taken for any amount that seems right and appropriate for you and is respectful of your current financial situation (suggested range of contribution: $20 - $80). We are grateful to all who contribute to help make our work possible.
Vivien Claire has immersed herself in the writings and prayerful practices of Christian mysticism for most of her life - and drinks freely from other streams of wisdom. She loves the way poetry, storytelling, sacred rites and icons can be transformative art forms that are ever new. She lives in a rural village in the Little Karoo of the Western Cape - and is the creator of Magdala - a home for heart to heart conversation and community ( She is harvesting fruit from her experience of being present and listening creatively in many roles – as a poet, hospital chaplain, spiritual director; a retreat leader and Focusing trainer both in the UK and in South Africa. Nowadays she leans towards becoming a wisdom keeper and elder planting seeds for the future.
Luke Healy is the co-founder of Integral Christian Network, an endeavor to help further the loving evolution of Christian consciousness and practice. He is passionate about pioneering innovation in forms of spiritual community, in gathering like-minded and like-hearted pilgrims on the spiritual journey, and making mystical experience of God accessible in individual and collective practice.
He has practiced and integrated many different forms along his mystical journey, more recently deepening into an embodied, participatory practice engaging with the four centers of Whole-Body Mystical Awakening and the three movements of Integral Prayer.