Conversation Questions

Questions for WeSpace One-On-One Diads

 Question Sets

Questions for One-on-One Connection – Round 1

1. Tell me more about your spiritual journey and something you are learning right now?

2. What are you most passionate about in life right now and what brought that about in you?

3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

4. How was your experience of the WeSpace meditation at the last meeting? What are you looking forward to next?

5. What’s your favorite book and why?

6. Can you tell me about an event that changed or deeply shaped your life?

Questions for One-on-One Connection – Round 2

1. How do you describe your personality/identity?

2. What story from your life reflects the essence of who you are?

3. What is your favorite place in the world and/or your favorite vacation you’ve taken?

4. What was new for you in the Whole-Body Mystical Awakening practice? Do you think you will practice with it more on your own?

5. What was your earliest experience of the divine?

6. In ten years, how would you like to describe your life?

Questions for One-on-One Connection – Round 3

1. What does spiritual practice look like in your life right now?

2. What quality of yours do you most appreciate and why?

3. Do you have any spiritual ancestors or figures who have been with you/meaningful to you in your life?

4. How has your experience of Resonating Prayer been? What questions or challenges are most present with you from it?

5. What is your favorite food to prepare/cook? (Or type of food to order if you don’t cook much!)

6. What is your growing edge right now?

Questions for One-on-One Connection – Round 4

1. What are some of your closest-held values for how you live your life?

2. When do you experience transcendence? Or what was a time you did strongly?

3. Who in your life would you most like to have an intimate conversation with if you could?

4. How are you finding the experience of the WeSpace meetings and our shared practice?

5. Can you think of a time when you laughed really hard?

6. What is something you’re strongly hoping or longing for right now?

Bonus Questions!

1. What is something that you hate that everybody seems to love? And/or What is something you love that lots of people hate?

2. Can you tell me about a significant moment of transformation in your life? What brought it about and how did it change you?

3. What’s the best thing you’ve read recently (the last few months/year)?