A Living Laboratory for WeCommuning and WeCreating


Welcome One & All to the next arc of WeGrow:

Sacred Story & Companioning
a four-week journey into midwifing sacred story into being and attuning to the presence of the imaginal. 


This gathering emerges from our collective longing to ground in trust, share from the depths of our lived experiences, and cultivate the presence of our spiritual companions in the We space.
As Mark offers,
“When we invite them into the WeSpace, what are the potentials for the ongoing, growing intimacy in all its various flavors, as we bring more of the imaginal into the presence of our We?”

This is an invitation to allow what arises to be voiced and witnessed, deepening our knowledge and intimacy with one another and with unseen presence that always accompanies us.

Over the course of four weeks, we will enter into a shared practice of deep listening, storytelling, and witnessing. Our gathering will hold the sacred balance of offering, honoring, and receiving—a living movement of presence where stories unfold, are midwifed into being, and find their way into the heart of the whole.

To create and maintain this sacred enclosure, this arc is a committed space, not a drop-in gathering. Once the arc begins, it will not be open to new participants. The arc will meet Thursdays, March 27 - April 17.


Nurtured in Presence

This journey will be gently held by:
• Minta, who will invite deepening presence and invocation.
• Mark, who will attune us to the imaginal.
• Kathy, who will tend to the rhythms of breath and silence.

With care and deep presence,
The WeGrow Team


Thursdays at 1:30 to 3:15 PM Central Time

These weekly sessions are gathered with the intention to engage in shared processes of growth together that develop our aptitudes and capacities of divine becoming.

The themes, practices, and processes emerge from our shared attunement and integration with spirit in what is present and desiring to be engaged with now in our community. This might be a weekly co-exploration of a given topic or a continual “arc” of growth together over several weeks.